I can’t believe the size of that bowl. It’s like watching the ramen eat that Japanese girl!

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via ramenstudents.com

4 thoughts on “how much ramen can you eat?”

  1. That is way too awesome. I still can’t believe that girl ate all that ramen! But still, I’ve seen bigger portions eaten. That is insane. I love ramen but I couldn’t eat that whole bowl!

  2. Great video! I think I can do more than 8…I think. I wouldn’t mind trying some day, although not in one gulp like ?? did. I don’t believe he ate all that though. It’s probably sitting in a pouch near his stomach.

  3. It consistently amazes me how the best competetive eaters in the world are tiny Japanese girls. It’s never the sort of giant, hairy guys you would imagine would be able to suck down 20 hamburgers or whatever obscene load of food is offered. I saw a video online once, I tried to find it so I could post a link here but failed, but it was a Japanese clip showing how champion eaters are able to eat so much because their organs sit differently than most peoples’. The clip was in Japanese, which I don’t speak, so it’s possible that I misunderstood the images, but it seemed to imply that if the stomach is in the right area, it has much more room than normal to expand as it fills up.

  4. I’ve read interviews with some of those skinny Japanese competitive eaters. They do a lot of training to expand their stomachs. I think one thing they do is eat a lot of bread and then drink a lot of water, since the water makes the bread expand. I can only eat one bowl, so it doesn’t sound too fun to me. And the people who’re answering 8+ bowls on the poll…you guys scare me! hahaha

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