ramen final four - elite eight

Maruchan Creamy Chicken vs. Top Ramen Chicken

It’s Chicken vs. Chicken! Maruchan vs. Top Ramen! Top Ramen Chicken has a more concentrated chicken flavor than Maruchan Creamy Chicken, and edges ahead by the third quarter. Maruchan Creamy Chicken’s distinct celery flavor and smell tries to make up for their lighter flavor, but they just can’t seem to catch up. Even though Top Ramen Chicken is a bit on the salty side, they prove to be the better team. Top Ramen Chicken will move on to the final four!

ramen final four - elite eight

Maruchan Roast Chicken vs. Maruchan Chicken

It’s another Chicken vs. Chicken battle, and this time, it’s also Maruchan vs. Maruchan! What should’ve been a battle royale has turned into a sort of identity crisis for the Chickens Maruchan. Why does Maruchan Chicken taste like some sort of celery curry? And even though Maruchan Roast Chicken actually tastes less “chicken-y” than Maruchan Chicken, Maruchan Chicken’s curry-ness just overwhelms any residual chicken flavor it might have. While the judges are scratching their heads in confusing, Maruchan Roast Chicken presses on, stealing the ball left and right and making 3-pointers like nobody’s business. Maruchan Roast Chicken easily defeats Maruchan Chicken!

Losing team scores:
Maruchan Creamy Chicken: 5.5/10
Maruchan Chicken: 5/10

Feel like you walked into the middle of the tournament? Missing something? How did you get here? Start at the beginning!

2 thoughts on “instant ramen final four: elite eight part 1”

  1. Some recipes call for trussing, or tying the drumsticks and wings close to the body of the chicken. This takes way too much time, prevents the skin from browning, and causes the chicken to cook unevenly, the dark meat will take longer to cook, so the breast dries out before the rest of it’s done.

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